Sunday, October 23, 2016

The First Step: My Introduction

If you looked at me, you wouldn't see a minimalist. I don't consider myself one, and it's not my ultimate goal. But honestly, the thought of living with less stuff is appealing to me. I've spent my entire life as a consumerist:
The more stuff, the better.
The more clothes, the happier I'll be.
Let's go shopping... I'm bored.
Let's go shopping... you're bored and I want to procrastinate.
There's a dress at Target that I have to stop everything I'm doing right now and go buy immediately.
I'm a little tired of this, so I'm going to go to Marshall's to see if I can find something similar but better.

These thoughts drove my life.
Until one day, a thought started to churn inside my full-overly stressed out- never empty- ever thinking- unable to shut down- anxious little baby noggin.

"Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful."
-William Morris

What if I could apply this idea not just on my house, but my entire life?

I never talked the talk (until now), but I just simply started to walk the walk. About a year ago, I started selling my belongings. The thought of making this life change in one fell swoop was frightening. I'm more of a "doing things in levels" kind of gal, which, I think has worked better for me in the long run. Doing this as in a slower paced processed has really allowed me to rethink everything that I own. Every bowl, every trinket, every piece of clothing that I own. And wow. I have a lot of stuff.

But that's another story for another day.

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